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Advisee Responsibilities

Advisee Responsibilities

The advisee is an equal partner in the advising process. As an advisee you are ultimately responsible for your educational choices and decisions. You are expected to:

  • Clarify personal values, abilities, interests, and goals for academics and life.
  • Contact and schedule regular appointments with your advisor each semester as required or when in need of assistance
  • Prepare for advising sessions and bring appropriate resources or materials. You are to maintain your own Advising Portfolio including your educational plan and other details.
  • Come prepared to your registration advising session with a planned schedule for the forthcoming semester.
  • Become knowledgeable and adhere to institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
  • Access and use MyStuff for academic updates, information updating, registration, and other purposes.
  • Read your KSU email and other important communications from the University and your advisor.
Last updated on : January 12, 2023 4:03am