The Department of Botany and Microbiology is an educational institution and research responsible for developing and publishing knowledge in different areas of plant science and microbiology. The Department of Botany and Microbiology provides excellent opportunities for education in accordance with high academic standards in all areas of knowledge related to plant science and microbiology. Its efforts are aimed at all levels of interested Saudis and others to contribute to their qualification to participate in the comprehensive development through their various roles such as the General education in the Ministry of Education, Higher Education, the Saudi universities, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Water and Electricity, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the General Authority for Standardization, the General Authority for Metrology and Environment Protection, the National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development, and various private institutions. The Department works on the continuous development of knowledge through scientific research to provide practical solutions and specialized professional advice to institutions dealing with services, productivity, and development processes to help them perform their duties in the overall development. The Department is also interested in raising intellectual and cultural awareness of the community and protecting the environment.
Upgrading teaching and research to keep pace with scientific progress and the requirements of society.