Message from the Department Head
The department was established at the College of Science in 1378 AH to prepare qualified scientific cadres. These cadres have contributed and continue to contribute to the building of the country's renaissance in various fields, such as general and higher education, health, agriculture, and community services. The department qualifies students at the undergraduate level, including those in the preparatory stage of the colleges of health sciences, as well as students at the College of Food and Agricultural Sciences, and certain departments in the College of Science, such as biochemistry, botany, microbiology, and geology at the introductory level.
The department has grown significantly in terms of the number of faculty members in various sub-specialties in zoology. These members have published their works in prestigious scientific journals and have written and translated many books in zoology specialties. In addition, there is a supporting staff that includes lecturers, research assistants, and technicians. The department has many laboratories equipped to serve both students and researchers. Graduate studies for a master's degree began in 1401 AH and for a doctoral degree in 1421 AH. In addition to the many students currently studying, the department has awarded master's and doctoral degrees to many students who have published their research on various topics in zoology.
The department has several scientific units that provide services for researchers, such as the electron microscope unit, a microscopic preparation unit, and a museum that includes models of different animal groups and species. The museum receives visitors from students and various delegations throughout the academic semesters. Additionally, the department has five research chairs that have significantly contributed to scientific research.
Head of the Zoology Department |
Dr. Mohammed F. Albeshr |
فيديو تعريفي بقسم علم الحيوان Zoology Department Introductory Video
Providing quality education and scientific research in zoological science to meet the needs of the community and labor market through stimulating academic and administrative environment, optimal use of technology as well as partnership with national and international related institutions.
To achieve excellence in advanced knowledge and scientific research in Zoology.
To understand the living organisms and their relationship with their environment.
To develop applied practical skills among the students of conducting research in the laboratory and the field.
To develop the skill of qualitative and quantitative analysis and interpretation of biological data.
To nurture and develop the students as independent individuals.
To develop national and international collaborations with academic institutions and research centers for employability and career plans.