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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Academic Counselor

Geology Academic Counselor:

Dr.Hisham A. Gahlan

Tel . No. 4676211

Office No. 2B 134

Geophysics Academic Counselor:

Dr. Mahmoud m. Elwaheidi

Tel . No. 4676205

Office No. 2B 129

Counselor's Role:

1- He should be familiar with the academic regulations in the university and the academic plan of the department.

2- He should have a back ground of areas of work available to the graduate student.

3- He should strive to educate himself in the field of counseling.

4- He should set up a file for each student to help in following up his academic progress and keep an updated report about him. Counselors will be given the authority of entering to the academic date base of the students to get an updated report of his academic information, credentials and lectures time table.

5- He should coordinate with faculty members in the academic department to list students with academic difficulties, especially after midterm examinations, and also students with a high absence rates records and students who have weak learning faculties.

6- He should negotiate the student’s academic and other learning problems first with the concerned student and then with the teachers and suggest the appropriate ways to help the student by looking into each alternatives.

7- If the counselor and the Unit in the Department failed to find a suitable solution to the problem, they should covert it to the chairman of the department and the counselor should continue to follow up the case with the counseling center.

8- He should assist the student to make a self analyzing and suggest the appropriate steps to be followed to address the problems experienced by the student before the worsen and have a negative impact on his study.

9- He should try to convince the students who are in need of psychological or social counseling of full confidentiality of any personal information during the process of discussing their problems with the counselor, and that seeking an advice of the counselor should not be considered as seeing psychologist or a psychotherapist.

10- Counselors should care for the outstanding students in the department and should coordinate with chairman of department to organize some programs that meet the needs of these students.

11- Encourage students to read the bulletins issued by the Deanship of Student Affairs and attend courses organized by the Deanship of Skills Development.

12- Assist students to make the right decision with regard to enrollment in the suitable academic specialization, which should be in accordance to their potential and learning interests and needs of the labor market.

13- Counselors should take course in counseling and ways to deal with students and their problems organized by the Deanship of Skills Development.

تاريخ آخر تحديث : سبتمبر 23, 2024 9:00ص