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Academic system

Academic System

The terms of admission in KSU:

  • Has a general Saudi high school certificate or its equivalent from or outside KSA.
  • The student should have earned his\her high school diploma or its equivalent within the past five years.
  • Has to be medically fit.
  • According to the university systems, disciplinary banished student, who have earned B.CS before, is not allowed to be accepted whether in any governmental universities or in any private ones.
  • The terms of admission have to be applicable the (candidate/student) that the university can determine them and announce the time of submitting.

For more info please visit the deanship website:

موقع العمادة

Numbers of courses and units in physics and astronomy department:

  • Each academic year has two main semesters and one summer semester-if exists.
  • According to approved study plan, the numbers of the academic levels to graduation, at least, are eight. These levels refer to the academic stages.
  • The period of time for the academic semester is not less than 15 weeks.
  • The period of time for the summer semester is not less than 8 weeks and it is doubled within these weeks to study every course.
  • The student must complete 136 study unit to obtain B.CS as follows:

First: primary courses in first common year: they are associated modules between Science colleges track, explain in study plan. It takes two academic semester, 32 hours. Students study these courses after obtaining high school diploma and passing General capabilities (qiyas) and Scholastic Achievement Admission Test (Science). The number of modules is 10.

Second: Islamic culture courses: these are university requirements; the student must study four courses (an average of 8 hours) chosen by the student from the 18 available hours (9 courses with two academic units for each of them as shown in the study plan).

Third: Specialization courses: these courses are offered from the third level to the eighth level, and specialized courses are offered in these levels in the various branches of physics (theory, nuclear, atomic, laser, renewable energy, materials, mechanics, electromagnetism, thermal, and wave with other supporting courses) , As well as practical courses to train students to conduct physical experiments and derive results from viewing. Some of these courses will be presented in the English language at a rate of not less than 40%, explained in the study plan, which is divided into:

  1. Compulsory from within the major: 75 units of study, 27 courses.
  2. Compulsory from outside the specialization: 11 academic units, 3 courses.
  3. Optional from within the major: 10 units, 4 courses.

The total number of these courses is 48 courses with 136 academic units.

Course registration and GPA:

  • The courses are automatically registered at the beginning of the next semester, to facilitate the students, and after that, students can amend their study schedule by deleting and adding through the Samar system at the following link: The Samar system is an alternative system for the paper forms presented by students to registered staff in the department to perform deletions and additions that they could not perform through the academic system portal.
  • The following table shows the academic burden for students in proportion to the GPA:
CPA 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Allowed hours to register 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  • The GPA is calculated as follows:
    1. Total points score (for all semesters studied).
    2. Total credit hours (for all semesters studied).
    3. The GPA is calculated using the following formula:

GPA= Total points score \ Total credit hours

Edugate system:

Through which the requirements of the university are recorded, and through which students can communicate with the academic advisor, and can see the study plan, verify documents and skill records, submit electronic academic students, access the university calendar and see the offered courses in university colleges, service link:

Edugate System

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 4:03am