Mathematics Department

Staff Members
Name | Position | Phone | Office | |
Dr. Alhanouf bint Ali Al-Humaidi | Assistant Head of the Department | | 0118056114 | 5T064 |
Nawal bint Mutlaq Al-Otaibi | Director of the Assistant Head's Office | | 0118056640 | 5T019 |
About the Department
The Mathematics Department at King Saud University is one of the oldest and largest mathematics departments in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. It was established at the founding of the College of Science in 1378 AH. In 1983, the department introduced a Bachelor's program for female students. The department also offers service courses to meet the needs of other colleges, serving approximately 6,000 students per semester across the university.
The department, through its faculty and staff, aims to implement the university's and the college's programs and objectives, providing a suitable educational environment for students by equipping laboratories and classrooms with the latest software and technologies related to mathematics and its applications. The department strives to prepare qualified individuals who will contribute to the comprehensive development witnessed by various sectors of the Kingdom.
The department's programs and plans are continuously developed to meet local and international quality standards, with a focus on preparing specialized scientific cadres that can contribute to providing the labor market with qualified graduates who will serve the community in the field of mathematics. In 2016, the department received academic program accreditation for the Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment.
To keep pace with scientific developments and meet the labor market’s demands, the department introduced a Bachelor's program in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics in 2013. This program has attracted many of the most distinguished students, with the first cohort graduating in 2017. They have since been employed in the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority and in the insurance and financial sectors.
Currently, the department offers Bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Actuarial and Financial Mathematics. It also offers a Master's degree in Mathematics (course-based) and a PhD in Mathematics (thesis-based) in five specialties: Analysis, Algebra, Computational and Discrete Mathematics, Geometry and Topology, and Applied Mathematics.
For more information about our academic programs, research achievements, faculty projects, and other scientific activities, please visit our department website.
The Assistant Head of the Department word
Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the noblest of prophets and messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.
On behalf of the staff of the Mathematics Department at King Saud University, I am pleased to welcome you to the department's webpage, and I hope your visit proves to be useful and fruitful. I trust that you will find the information you are seeking about our academic programs and research activities.
Mathematics has a rich and diverse history, with its concepts playing a crucial role in the advancement of many fields, including medicine, engineering, computer science, as well as industry and finance. The Mathematics Department at King Saud University is thriving, with faculty members representing a wide range of mathematical disciplines. They are highly skilled at training students in critical thinking, logical analysis, problem-solving, and computational modeling.
The department has made use of the various resources provided by our nation to contribute to raising academic standards and providing a high-quality learning environment for students, preparing them for successful careers. The department's graduates are highly competent, with many having taken on prestigious positions in various sectors of the nation. Some have also distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements in teaching and research.
In conclusion, this success would not have been possible without the grace of Allah, and the support of the university’s educational and operational systems, as well as the leadership within the College of Science and the faculty of the department. For this, we express our gratitude and appreciation.
Thank you for visiting the Mathematics Department at King Saud University.
Contact Guide for the Department Staff
Mathematics Department Website
Student Clubs
Mathematics Club
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